Fernanda is a former student at Colegio Estrella de la Mañana, co-founded by Together For Children a.s.b.l. in 2012. She shares her story with us.

"My name is Fernanda , I am 19 years old. I lived in Casa Hogar de la Estrella since I was 3 years old together with my three sisters. Here is where we grew up and were treated by mommy Esther and daddy Joe like their daughters, giving us all their love, attention, and protection.
During my childhood I had a physical condition that did not allow me to walk well. I was dragging my leg but thank God for the support of my Mommy Esther, they gave me the opportunity to have a visa to have surgery in the United States.
I finished my high school at Colegio Estrella de la Mañana and later on worked there for a while in the administration. Iam currently working in a cafe and my goal is to start studying nursing which I will start next week (2023). I am grateful for what God does for us through Together For Children a.s.b.l. and all the good people that helps them."